LE FONTI Awards 2024

The Ippocrate Medical Center, located in Parma and operational since 2008 under the guidance of the Medical Director Professor Paolo Casoni, represents Italian excellence in the treatment of chronic venous diseases.

This healthcare facility stands out as one of the few centers in the country entirely dedicated to the management and treatment of venous pathologies, offering a complete path that goes from diagnosis to the identification of different therapeutic paths. «The center was created to bring together in a single structure everything necessary for the treatment of venous diseases – explains Dr. Emanuele Nanni, angiologist – from the most superficial aspects up to the actual disease, in our center it is possible to follow the entire path that it goes from diagnosis to treatment.


The treatment process at the Ippocrate Medical Center begins with an initial in-depth visit which includes a series of instrumental and non-instrumental tests aimed at understanding the problem. «This diagnostic phase is crucial since venous problems can vary not only from patient to patient, but also from one section of the limb to another. During the initial visit, a hemodynamic venous color Doppler ultrasound study is performed to analyze venous flows, which is essential for a correct evaluation of venous disease.” In addition to color Doppler ultrasound, tests such as photoplethysmography are used, a dynamic test that measures the filling speed of the capillaries. This test is indicative of the presence of venous reflux and microcirculatory failure. Depending on the patient’s needs, additional second-level tests, such as transcranial Doppler and genetic study of thrombophilia, may be performed for a more detailed understanding of conditions that may influence prognosis and therapy.

The distinctive element of the philosophy of the Ippocrate Medical Center is the emphasis placed on the patient’s lifestyle. Chronic venous disease is often linked to genetic factors, with a family history present in approximately 60% of cases. However, as Dr. Nanni explains, it is lifestyle that plays a significant role: «nutrition and physical activity are crucial aspects that can influence the course of venous disease. Here we are keen to promote a vision of modern medicine that sees drugs and advanced therapies as an option to resort to as a last resort, while true prevention and treatment derive from a healthy and attentive lifestyle.” Chronic venous disease initially manifests itself with symptoms such as heaviness and swelling of the legs, which can already appear in young adults. If untreated, it can progress to more advanced stages, causing chronic venous insufficiency and limb suffering with skin discoloration.

However, thanks to the numerous therapeutic options available at the Ippocrate Medical Center, it is possible to intervene effectively even in the most acute manifestations, interrupting the degenerative path of the disease.

The centre’s philosophy favors a conservative approach, aimed at preserving the patient’s venous heritage and minimizing invasive therapies.

This strategy is particularly important in a chronic disease such as venous disease, where the focus is on long-term management and the patient’s quality of life.


The excellence of the Ippocrate Medical Center has been recognized nationally. The center was awarded the “Professional of the Year for Vascular Surgery-Phlebology” award at the 2024 LE FONTI Awards, confirming its prominent position in the Italian medical panorama. Professor Paolo Casoni received the award during the ceremony held in Milan. This award, in the Innovation and Leadership category, was awarded for his exceptional commitment to vascular surgery and phlebology, his dedication to tackling complex challenges and his extraordinary achievements for the benefit of the medical community and patients.

from “La Repubblica” dated 14/6/2024