- Fisioterapia
- Linfodrenaggio manuale tradizionale
- Linfotaping
- Osteopatia funzionale
- Riabilitazione e rieducazione posturale
- Terapia del dolore
- Nuova magnetoterapia LIMFA®
- Linfodrenaggio manuale Sec. Vodder
- Terapia fisica vascolare Bemer

Our body is a “perfect machine”. When all the gears work in the best way and in harmony there is no pain or tension. Often the balance is altered for the most varied reasons. It can be the fault of incorrect posture, trauma or overload.
For this reason, the physiotherapist and wellness therapist is responsible for restoring the body’s balance, using techniques and analysis that help each individual person, with its peculiarities.
It ranges from gentle manual therapy – or functional osteopathy -, which moves lightly but deeply into the body to help babies, children and adults regain their well-being. We move on to postural re-education, which, like a drop of oil, puts the most important gears in the body back on its feet. And still the manual lymphatic drainage to free the body from the waste, to get to the D.M.O.K.A. that deprograms and removes psychic and physical blocks, linfotaping and working in small groups to find harmony, even in collaboration.
To restore the full functionality of our body and our joints we need cutting-edge tools and great expertise. An example is Limfa Orthopedic, a sophisticated electromedical device dedicated to the world of physiotherapy, from sport to wellness, and all the activities carried out by the physiotherapist.