Centro Medico Ippocrate

It is not an operation, nor an intervention, but an ultrasound treatment, which lasts from 40 to 60 minutes. It is not painful, because the patient is given some anesthetic, much like the dentist does. Yet this outpatient therapy can save the saphenous vein, providing a non-invasive alternative for the treatment of varicose veins.

In Parma, Professor Paolo Casoni, vice president of the Italian phlebological association, educated in general, vascular and oncological surgery and former professor at the University of Parma, who in his center, “Ippocrate”, uses this technique with the innovative Sonovein. , a latest generation device, used only in six European cities: London, Prague, Vienna, Madrid, Marbella and Parma (the only one in Italy at the moment).

“Sonovein is the first (and, for now, only) completely non-invasive robotic solution for the treatment of varicose veins, through the use of eco-therapy: it does not need venous access, as happens with surgery, catheters and other leaves marks – explains the specialist -. This type of technology, using therapeutic ultrasound, can treat the vein from outside the body. Ecotherapy, in fact, uses ultrasound waves similar to those used during an ultrasound examination, with higher energy waves and concentrates them on the vein to generate thermal energy. This, when dispensed, shrinks and is repaired. In this way, the possibility of intervening in a more conservative way is realized, also because when a patient undergoes, for example, the ablation of the saphenous vein, the percentage of distant relapses is from 50 to 70% depending on the cases.

With conservative methods that we have been practicing surgically for years, this percentage is greatly reduced, therefore with the Sonovein there are the prerequisites for this to be confirmed, however in the face of very promising results in the first months, as confirmed by European centers that started before we, we will have to wait for time to prove us right. “

Since December, 28 treatments have been carried out in the city and there are many others scheduled from all over the country.

“The patients treated so far in the world are about 700 and the results are very satisfactory in all the centers with standardized and uniform parameters of use, even in Parma the cases made up to now are placed on this line – explained Casoni -. it goes from 30 to 88 years, but the rationale for being able to intervene does not depend on the years, but on an anatomical and haemodynamic condition, that is to say on the basis of the type of venous pathology of the person “.

As specified by the doctor, in fact, not everyone is “eligible” for Sonovein, even if “about 90% of patients with varicose veins in the lower limbs can do so”.

“To find out, however, it is necessary to carry out an accurate anatomical and hemodynamic study, with a very particular ecocolordoppler – he adds -. Once ascertained, you can undergo this outpatient procedure which, especially for older patients, with different indications of problems, can use this method without any cons “. In some, more sessions may be required, although this depends from one case to another. «Since ours is the only center in Italy to have the machinery, we have been chosen to train others in the future and this is one of our objectives – concludes Casoni -. We hope that technology will advance and that it will become more and more usable over time “.

by Giovanna Pavesi – from the Gazzetta di Parma of 9/2/2022